Thursday, January 12, 2017

17 for 2017

I'm not real big on resolutions. I feel like making resolutions can put a lot of pressure on people or set unrealistic expectations. AND let's not get into the fact that most of the time New Year resolutions revolve around losing weight. I hate it. I really kind of hate it. lol. I just think it's dumb that we are made to feel that we have to start the year off with being miserable or unhappy...thus needing the resolution (you know, so we can all be thin and happy...because that's the way life works...<insert eyeroll>)

As much as I dislike resolutions, I do think it's a good idea to reflect on the coming year and what you want to try and accomplish in that year. How do you want your year to go? What do you hope to do more of this year? Less of? All I know is when I ask myself these questions I'm not thinking 'You know, I really hope this year I eat more salad' or 'This is the year I will lose those 10 lbs....again' OR 'I am going to work out every single day and restrict my diet until I can fit into size XX'. No...just no.

So, here are my goals (resolutions..whatEV) for 2017:

1. Be authentic. I'm always striving to get closer to my most authentic self. I want to laugh more (and louder..who cares who hears), I want to sass more (these usually means just letting go of my filter, people are surprised when I let the chain off the gate from my brain to my mouth), I want to set boundaries if I need to..and have people respect those boundaries. It's an always evolving process.

2.  Go on more dates. An instragram friend recently posted something about a good marriage being something you make...and keep making. I couldn't agree more. There is a lot to be said about staying in, especially for us (shout out, introverts). But, I think it's important to make the effort to get out of the house and away from chores and the pets (or kids, in other people's case), away from the pile of bills and the computers, TV's, and gaming consoles.

3. Support local/small business. In our little west Texas town, we have a thriving community of small local business's. I want to make a more pointed effort in supporting our local business.

4. Read. I use to be an avid reader, but it's been a long time since I've sat down and read a book. Which is sad. I think this year I want to try and branch out and read something other than romance. The thing is, I need a happy ending (which is one reason why I have leaned so heavily on the romance genre), so it's hard to branch out. I don't like reading sad shit, especially if it ends sad.

5. Go outside. I don't care if it's a park or just the back patio. If the weather permits, I want to try and be out in it.

6. Simplify. Life gets stressful when you let a lot of noise come into play. I don't want to get distracted by things that are not important. I don't want to weigh myself down worrying about things that are not important. I want to let go of things that no longer serve a purpose in my life. I want to let go of relationships that do not help me be my most authentic self.

7. Invest. I want to invest in things and people that will help me grow my happiness, security, and health. This means investing time in myself, in the relationships that I want to strengthen, in my hobbies. It means investing money into our love cottage and in our future.

8. Save. I put this down, but I'm still thinking about what it means exactly. Money is the first thing that comes to mind, and although that is part of it, I want it to be about more than money.

9. Donate. I want to help my community and the causes that are close to my heart. So, I want to donate time where I can, or money when I can, or stuff (see #6).

10. Meditate. This sounds real "woo-woo", but I don't really plan to start any serious meditation practice. For me, this is more about getting still, getting quiet, slowing down and just breathing. I might try to incorporate "internet free" days into my week.

11. Host. We have set up our back patio to be a great place to host people, but we rarely have guests over (introverts...remember). I want to try and change that this year. I want to step out of the comfort zone and have people over to enjoy our love cottage.

12. Invite. I want to make more effort inviting people out. To lunch. To dinner. To happy hour. For a movie.

13. Get some culture. I want to see more plays, see more art, hear more live music. Maybe #12 and #13 can work together here.

14. Create. I want to create just for the joy of creating. As much as I enjoy sewing and cross stitch, and even writing, my heart is really with photography. My camera has been neglected. And recently I took it out for some test shots and it's not acting right (it's several years old now). So, it might be time to invest (see #7) in a new camera.

15. Explore. I want to learn. If I'm drawn to something, I want to dive into it and learn what I can. I want to go to new places. I want to meet new people. I want to say 'yeah, let's do that'.

16. Listen to more music. I don't listen to the radio much, but I recently downloaded the Spotify app and I have the I Heart Radio app. I want to listen to more music, while I'm cooking or cleaning or working or whatever. I sent out a SOS on my Facebook page, asking for music recommendations and boy did my friends deliver! I have a ton of artists to check out now (while I've been writing this post, I've been listening to Lady Gaga and Logic).

17. Ask for help. Just like #16, I asked for help and I got it! I want to be brave enough to ask for help (even if it's music recommendations) from my family, friends, and peers. So, if you are reading this list...and you think you could help...I WANT your help. Help me get closer and closer to being my most happy and authentic self. And maybe I can help you too.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Finding Space in a Tiny Home

Has anyone been catching the Tiny House Hunters on HGTV? I watch mostly for the amusement factor. People go down their "must have" list and it's always a king size bed and a full-sized bath tub, or a walk in closet and a bathroom that isn't any where near the kitchen, oooorrrrr some space where I can get away from the other person I am sharing this tiny space with. And I can't help but giggle every time they use the phrase 'But its just so small'.

My love cottage isn't on the 'tiny home' spectrum in that sense. We aren't on wheels. We aren't sleeping in a loft that has no head space. We aren't having to pee in our toilet/shower combo area. But one thing we do have in common with the tiny homes is finding storage in every nook and cranny.  Every time they show a hidden cubbie, built into the floor or raised bed platform or wherever, I think how clever it is.  It's really helped me think in the same way as I look around my own home.

It's not like we haven't talked about remodeling. Of course, we have. But it's just not a feasible option for us. Instead, I started to search for space that was being wasted. I started to hunt down items and products that would fit in those spaces. One of the more obvious areas that usually goes wasted is under the beds. We store several of the husband's guitar cases under the guest bedroom. We have a few different plastic containers stored under our bed. One of them is a container with a drawer (similar item here). I don't even have to dig the container out from under the bed to access what is stored in it, I just open the drawer up. It's pretty handy.

In our love cottage, another area that made me a little crazy was in the kitchen. Our washing machine is in our kitchen. But the dryer is outside in the utility shed. For years, we have had the typical large plastic laundry baskets to slub our wet and dry clothes in and out of the house. But because of the layout we didn't have anywhere to put those baskets except on top of the washing machine when not in use. Although they weren't technically in the way while on the washing machine, they just took up a lot of visual room in my small galley kitchen. Basically, I was sick of looking at them! So, I did a quick google search and found collapsible laundry baskets. Now, they aren't the most inexpensive thing in the world. The traditional laundry baskets cost under $10, so the price tag was a little jarring. I put them on my Christmas list (but I would have bought them myself if I didn't get them under the tree) and my sweet mother gifted them to me. Now, I just tuck them away beside the refrigerator (another spot that was just wasted space before) and they are out of sight.

You never know what is out there until you start looking. Find an empty space in your home and start thinking about what you could put in that spot that would help create new storage opportunities.

Do you have any areas in your home that you have found a storage use for? Or a handy item that has helped you keep your home organized? I want to hear about it!