Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Here's to health, peace, and prosperity

Today I have my once a year doctors visit. It is literally the only time I see my primary care physician. Or any physician, actually.  I didn't really want to come. It's not something I look forward to.  I did seriously consider rescheduling, for next year...or maybe the year after that.

But, here I am. And I know I'll dutifully schedule next years appointment before I I always do.

Because I know there are so many that can't go to the doctor unless they are gravely ill, if even then. Never mind the luxury of a yearly wellness check. I know there are so many people out there that have chronic issues that require so many doctor visits, so much poking and prodding all of the time. Once a year would seem like a dream to them.

So I have to be real with myself. I am fortunate. I'm lucky that I even have a PCP at all. I'm lucky that this once a year appointment costs me nothing. I'm lucky that this small inconvenience only has to happen once a year. I am really lucky to be a relatively healthy person all around. 

After my appointment is over (and I've scheduled next years appointment) I am taking myself for a toast to my good health and all my many blessings.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dear Target...we need to talk

Target...I love you, I do. And sometimes we have to be tough on those we love. Please remember....this all comes from a place of love.

There use to be a day when any time anyone paid me a compliment on my shoes I could proudly tell them I found the shoes at Target. Never mind that the Target we have here in little ol' nowhere Texas is THE SMALLEST TARGET to grace this green earth. And the shoe department is laughably miniscule.  How it always seems to remain in a state of utter disarray is a mystery to me. Even with those black marks against my local Target, I knew that if I hit it just right or dug around long enough, I could walk away with a pair of cute, on trend shoes that would stay in style of many seasons.  It would appear those days might be coming to an end.

Because I'm seeing an alarming trend. The fashion of the shoes available at Target are...well...they do I say this....

They are just ugly. Ok. Like, really ugly.

I mean...what is even happening here. It's like someone took some ugly plastic flowers and super glued them on to some old soccer slip ons. Don't know what I'm talking about? Go google 'soccer slip on sandals'. I'll wait.

Uh huh. Exactly.

Is this fashion? Or an after school craft project?

Someone saved the carpet from Grandma's bathroom and decided to tie it on some slip on shoes. No. Just no.

I've already lived (survived?) the 80's once. I am NOT doing it again.

Do NOT go to Target and buy these shoes. I promise you, on the life of my pug, that you can go to ANY Goodwill or Salvation Army and find these exact shoes for a $1 ($.50 on Tuesdays).  

In the words of the infinitely wise and hilarious Kalen Allen...absolutely not.

Friday, June 1, 2018

June 1st, 2018


It's been over a year since I've been to this space. *sigh* I've always felt a little silly blogging. Even though I've been doing it (on and off) for years.  Like many other things I do to try and "put myself out there", it tends to feed into my ever present feelings of being inadequate. It's something I've struggled with as an adult. It's something I'm working on all of the time.

And even though that voice is always in my mind telling me...I am not good enough, that no one really cares, that I am being heart will not let me stop. And even though I haven't really thought much about this blog in a very long time....all of the sudden, it's in my heart to try and do this thing again.

Who am I to deny my heart?

I'm not sure I CAN deny my heart. It's fairly persistent. Just slightly more persistent than the voice in my head.

Here's to trying again (and again and again) and listening to your heart.