Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Twilight..and not the vampire kind

Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night; and thus he would never know the rhythms that are at the heart of life. ~Hal Borland

Happy Mabon! Or Happy fall, y'all!!  The autumn equinox is the tipping point from summer into fall. Light starts to give way to the dark.  The night creeps up slowly to claim more and more of the day. The sun starts losing it's strength and the air turns cooler.  If you imagine that the year is like one long day, Mabon would be twilight.  That time of day when the sun has just dipped down beyond the horizon. That time of day when dinner is cleaned up, school and work projects are completed and put away. That time of day when everyone slips into cozy pajamas after night time baths.

Fall is the world getting ready to tuck itself in for the long winter sleep after working hard to gather the harvest. It's a time to rest, refresh, and recharge. Since most of us don't have to work to gather an actual harvest any longer, the fall can be a great time to clean things out or complete projects. Forget spring cleaning, autumn cleaning is where it's at. You want to be ready to go into this time of year with a clutter free home and mind. If you have clutter in your closets, or drawers, or car trunks, or table tops, now is the time to pull it all out and get it sorted. If you have unfinished projects at home or at work, now is the time to try and wrap them up.

Here are some other things you can do to celebrate the autumn equinox:

1. Go for a walk. The weather will be cooling off. The days might still be warm, but the evenings will start getting that crisp nip quickly now. Grab a cardigan and your loved one and take a stroll around the block.

2. Plant some bulbs. Many flowering plants can be planted now to germinate over the winter. Here in Texas, Irises do very well in our climate.

3. Bake something! Now is the prefect time to make all the apple or pumpkin things you have pinned on your Fall Pinterest board. Share them with your friends, neighbors, coworkers, and/or teachers.

Whatever you decide to do, be sure to take just a few minutes to enjoy the changing of the seasons (no matter how slow the change seems to happen). Take a few minutes to make a list, mentally or physically, on all your many blessings. Take a few minutes to just breath and get ready for the coming holiday season.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Lean into Love

Yesterday, my best friend and I were chatting back and forth on the Marco Polo app. Somehow our conversation took a turn into the muck that is current life in the United States. Both of us expressed feeling helpless during these tumultuous times. I told her that I felt like we were living in a pressure cooker, everything coming up to a violent boil with the very dangerous potential of exploding. Between the current political climate and good ol' social media, people are finding something to be outraged about, something to be afraid of or insulted by, every minute of every day. Or, at least, that's how it seems. And it can be very overwhelming and disheartening.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of seeing people burning products or boycotting businesses or sharing another ugly meme. I'm tired of people's "burn them at the stake" attitudes. When people don't agree with something, why does our first reaction seem to be towards hate and destruction, war and killing, violence and insults? Is that really what this country is about?

That isn't what I'm about. I would rather turn away from anger and hate and lean into love and kindness.

So instead of going at an issue in anger, thinking how I can "bring them down" or "bankrupt that company" or whatever...I want to ask myself 'how can I help?' or 'who can I support instead?' Let's use the Colin Kaepernick and Nike situation as an example. People are upset because they feel like Nike and Colin Kaepernick are being disrespectful to the flag and to our military/veterans. Instead of boycotting the NFL or burning all their Nike gear, why not donate to a organization that helps our military or volunteer at a local VA office or clinic?

Personally, I get really upset when I see animals that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. I have very strong opinions on breeding dogs. But you won't find me ranting or arguing with anyone on social media.  Instead I think about how I can positively support that ideas I do believe in. I raise money for animal rescue, I share when our local shelter or rescues are having low cost clinics, I promote the adoption of shelter/rescue animals, I sponsor adoption fees.

At the end of the day, I don't want people to know what I'm against. I want people to know what I am passionate about, what I support, what I love, where my heart is. And I encourage you to do the same. Let's all consider how to invest in the issues and causes that matter to us in positive and uplifting ways. Let's all look at ways we can help and support, instead of destroy and tear down.

 Let's lean into kindness. Let's lean into love.