Monday, June 17, 2019

Pump the Brakes

I consider myself to be a relatively smart person. But, there are moments when I definitely feel behind the times. Usually these moments involve some type of technology or social media.

A few weeks ago, while at my grandma's house for wine night..

Let's pause for just a moment to talk about wine night. My grandma has wine night at her house just about every Friday night. Usually it's my mom, three of my aunts, and me who go...with the occasional extra visitor or two if we have other relatives in town or a friend stopping by.

It was during one of these wine nights, when my aunt Gail asked me to move her vehicle since she was parked behind my aunt Kathy who was ready to leave. She handed me her key fob and told me it was a push button starter.

I head outside and hop in her Audi. Fancy, right? My aunt Gail likes nice things. I push the button and the air conditioning comes on, the radio comes on, it doesn't really sound like the engine came on. But's an AUDI...maybe the engine is quiet like a ninja? I put the car in reverse, press on the gas, and nothing happens.

I put the car back in park (I've learned my lesson with that one). I push the button again, everything turns back off.  Ok...maybe you have to push the button for turning on your iPhone? I push the start button again, longer this time, and again, the a/c and radio comes on, but the car goes no where when put in reverse.

My aunt Kathy, who is patiently waiting in her car in front of me, is looking at me in her mirrors.  I sit there sort of laughing at myself. This is ridiculous!! I am a smart, independent woman! I can figure this out.  I'm looking all over the console and around the steering wheel as I think.

There must be a trick to this...

I finally decide to press on the break while pushing the start button and A-HA!!!...the engine starts. My aunt Kathy throws her hands up in celebration.  I move the vehicle without any further issue and as my aunt backs out we both laughed at the whole situation and she says 'What do we know about fancy luxury vehicles?!' Listen y'all, I know push button starters are not technically a new feature or even a "luxury" feature. However, I drive a 2013 Honda Civic. My seats aren't even electric, okay.

I sat back down at the kitchen table, still snickering to myself. My mom and aunt Gail both want to know what is so funny. So, I tell them what happened and we all share a good laugh. My aunt Gail says 'Oh yeah, you do have to press the break. It's just such a habit I forgot all about it'.  

I guess my take away from this is...when you aren't sure what to do, maybe try pumping the brakes and see if that helps. 

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